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Results 1 - 6 of 6 for liposuctionphilippines
  • Liposuction

    Liposuction is a body contouring or sculpting procedure

    Liposuction is a body contouring or sculpting procedure, not a weight losing or weight reduction treatment. Depending on the area or the number of areas to be liposuctioned, only 2000cc to 3000cc of fat can be safely removed.

    Liposuction and Obesity
    If you are obese, you may be considered as a high risk candidate and may not qualify to undergo liposuction. The reason for this is that chronic medical conditions like diabetes, heart or coronary diseases, metabolic problems, etc. may be present. Effects of liposuction in obese may also not be appreciable. It is therefore recommended that patients with BMI of 30 or greater need to lose some weight to qualify to undergo Liposuction.

    Skin Rippling
    Overzealous removal of fats may result to skin “rippling”. This is caused by excess fat removal making the skin very thin (having less fat) and thus cannula tracks under it become visible (the rippling or multiple wave effect). In our Centre, we make sure this complication is avoided by removing only enough fat.

    Safety in Liposuction
    It will be more safe if your Cosmetic Surgeon is board certified and has a background in General Surgery on top of his fellowship in Cosmetic/Aesthetic Surgery. This will put the surgeon in good position to avoid intra-operative accident of abdominal penetration in tummy liposuction

  • Tumescent liposuction

    Tumescent liposuction

    The Gold standard for liposuction that involves infiltration of “tumescent fluid” then suctioning the fat mixture with a cannula connected to a syringe or vacuum machine. This is also a part (first process) of most types of liposuction enumerated below.

  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (VASER)

    Involves insertion of an “ultrasonic probe” (the size of a cannula) as a pre-suction process that will “implode” then dissolve the fats in targeted areas making it easier for the surgeon to suction.

  • Radiofrequency Liposuction 

    This treatment is usually added to other types of liposuction to help tighten skin, which occurs after extensive fat removal. It involves application of external RF probe to the skin after fats are suctioned.

  • Laser-assisted liposuction

    Involves insertion of a “laser tip probe” to liquefy the fats. The area where the probe was inserted may be suctioned immediately or left for the body to metabolize and excrete for several weeks.

  • Water Jet Liposuction

    Uses a fine spray of water that comes out of the suction cannula to break up fatty deposits. The main benefit of this technique is that it requires less infiltration of fluid and allows for better assessment of the underlying fatty areas which are often masked by the large volume of fluid infiltrated

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