Negosyo community is a FREE online advertising (advertisement) site focused on Sellers ,Customers, products, services and their connection(C2C). We would like to give you,the Filipinos, all the best and latest tech for FREE, so you can Sell New or Used items and do a lot lot more with ease and freedom. We combined several major platforms such as social media, E-commerce, e-market place ,online classified ads and integrated it in to one website,

You can advertise(advertisement),buy and sell new and used products, Post Products Online, Sell vehicles, cars, automotive, post Rentals, Business Opportunities, Services, Property and more.

What’s great about is our feed system. When you post your product, it can be seen by everybody on the community on their very own NEGOFEED, plus THE PAMILIHAN, , after it has been approved and checked. So now Customers or Sellers can Post Status or Product Updates Directly on Everybody's Timeline or it is viewable on everybody’s “nego-feed” when they sign in. Now that’s what we call connection. is a negosyo community so you can add and invite friends. Send Private messages. You can Post your Status, Events, share files, create links,share photos, create polls ,create videos and of course sell products for sale and advertise.

You can mark items as pwede or pwedeng pwede to show your appreciation. You can also Create Albums,Create a Page for yourself or for business,Create Events for a party or social gathering, you can create Groups for your company, product or just about anything

Pwedepa is a highly complex, full of features and most specially designed to help filipinos. We are giving away a lot of stuff to get people to connect with each other. We have daily cell phone load draws, weekly cell phone give aways and you simply have to like, share and other to earn buying points. That’s right you don't need to buy to earn pwedep points (buying points).


Sellers can easily post items for sale,FREE, in a few steps. Sellers have their own dashboard complete with product list, order list, discount list and an affiliate program. Graphs and charts are all included free with a heat map to see orders per location. Sellers can also create their own page to better connect with their buyers or customers

Customers can buy and sell New or Used items Online. Customers can be sellers.  Customers can rate other customers or Sellers based on their performance and products.

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